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DC-3 Crash Survival - A Miracle!


They say any aircraft landing that you can walk away from is a good landing. If that is true, then what happened to Loren Davis and two other pilots on June 20 was truly a very, very good landing.

Words such as "miraculous" and "impossible" echoed among the news reporters of the crash of the twin-engine DC-3. The cargo plane went down hard and fast shortly after takeoff from the Montgomery County Airport near Conroe.

Davis, a local evangelist who heads up the Loren Davis Ministries, agrees with the Houston reporters who covered the crash. To him, it took no less than a miracle to allow the three occupants of the ill-fated aircraft to walk away from a crash which some investigators said no one should have survived.

"No one on the ground was hurt, no one was killed and the three of us on the plane suffered only minor injuries. Not one bone was broken and no one was burned," Davis said.

"That truly was a miracle. The Lords hand must have been at work," he added.

The 53-year-old DC-3 aircraft a type which was designated as a C-47 Dakota by the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II was dedicated into the service of Davis' African mission work during ceremonies held at the Airport on May 25.

Named the Chariot of Fire by Davis, the aircraft had just completed a yearlong overhaul in which new avionics, modern navigation and improved, long-range communication gear was added.

It was to be flown to Uganda this month where it was to be based. Davis had planned to use the DC-3 which was famous for its ability to land on short, dirt runways to reach remote areas of Africa.

"Since the crash I've heard a lot of sarcastic, joking remarks about the name of the aircraft," Davis said. "Yes, it did end in fire, but its name was justified. In the Bible, the chariot of fire had tremendous significance. It came down and Elijah went up to heaven in it.

"The chariot of fire symbolizes the delivering power of God and this aircraft certainly demonstrated that power very strongly," he said. (continued)

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Although we were not working in Kenya at the time of the crash, my Airman’s book was burned down to the page that said Kenya. Incredibly, we have been working in Kenya since that time.
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