Miracles in Africa
Luke 9:2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. (KJV)
When Loren and Celeste preach in Africa, they encounter many people who have never heard of Jesus Christ. In many areas, witchcraft had become such a part of the culture that hearing the Word accompanied by witnessing the power of God causes them to choose to believe for salvation.
Now you can watch video recordings online, of miracles taking place at the crusades in Africa. Watch as the lame walk, the sick are healed, curses are broken, and devils are cast out. Listen as thousands sing beautiful praises to God in their African tongue.
Lubumbashi, Congo Crusade - 2001
Cannibals in Congo
These three children ages 7, 9, and 14 years of age came to the crusade in the Congo. On the third night after hearing, hearing, and hearing the gospel message of God's love and forgiveness of sins, and after seeing the visible representation of what God could do in manifesting wholeness in a cripple person's body, they were convinced that God was truly powerful and could forgive them of their inner sin!
They came forward in the meeting and in front of the crowd of witnesses asked for Loren to pray for them to be saved and that is what you see in the picture. We then announced that in the next evening service we would have a burn pile for those who wanted to bring any witchcraft items to burn.
The next morning I (Celeste) met with them and they told me their story and asked me for a special prayer. Let me share that with you now.
These children had been raised by their mother who was a practicing witch. From toddlers she had trained them in the ways of darkness and the occult. She had taught them that there was a certain time in which they would have to sacrifice a human life and this was part of appeasement to their god. I was shocked as the nine year old told me of how he could "fly anywhere" when he sat in a "special chair". They showed me other things they brought to burn that night and for what each had a purpose for.
Sadly the time had come the year before when their sacrifice was their mother! They told me, solemnly, how they had searched for someone else but there was no one and so she became the sacrifice. My heart broke as they told me how they had killed and eaten her and that now they had put a "curse" on their father as the sacrifice.
When they heard at the crusade of what Jesus had done for us, that he had become the "lamb of God" that takes away the sin of the world...the sacrifice for us...it gave them HOPE.
Would I pray that the curse could be broken off their father? I was so filled with joy as I prayed with them for their father and was able to explain to them that Galations 3:13-14 tells us that "...Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written..." KJV
And also, Acts 19:18-20
And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men:... So mightily grew the work of God and prevailed. KJV
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